
Dana Carvey is a famous stand-up comedian and actor that rose to fame thanks to his part in Saturday Night Live. However, things didn’t start up well for Carvey. During the first leg of his career, he hired a divorce lawyer with his former wife. He then slowly made a strive in Hollywood and received a minor role in Halloween II. He struggled to find a role that will place his name in the top actors of his time and in 1986, his biggest break came into light with the movie Tough Guys.

In 1990, Dana made his first comedy film vehicle Opportunity Knocks, which received a certain welcome. Later, he starred in Wayne’s World, Clean Slate, Trapped in Paradise, etc. In 1996, he made the TV show The Dana Carvey Show, but the response was mediocre. Overall, he had a very successful career but had to stop every once in a while, because of health and personal issues.
